First stop, festive attire! What is Christmas without a jumper to celebrate the spirit of the season? Tillypop stocks unique knitted children's Christmas jumpers, dresses and pyjamas. Designer, Emma is not only a supermum entrepreneur, but also a chartered accountant (CIPFA) by day. I could not resist this Christmas pudding jumper for Baby Cross.
Another boutique with good quality childrenswear was Eeny Meenie. Owner Carla is due to open a store in Ongar. Check out her website for further updates. Eeny Meenie stocks lots of top quality brands including Petit Bateau, Bebe Baby and Jessie and James. This particular number had to come home with me for the bubs.
I wanted to bring home a toy for Penelope and remembered having bought some wooden fruit that could be sliced along their velcro joints for my nieces. My description does not do the product justice! See Trade Toys for more information. The company generally supplies nurseries amd schools and came along to the show to offer the ordinary public their trade prices.
And to finish up with a quirky gadget from the Orient, I took the liberty of purchasing a tea cloud from Taste Taiwan Design. A floating white cloud to infuse your tea leaves. Stylish and clean-cut designs with practicality as a clear focus. Appealing bright colours, interesting solutions to common problems, and overall feel-good aesthetic and ethos. Thank you! A perfect end to.. no, not a perfect day. A manic one, dodging a thousand other shoppers who chose to wander among the stalls for the last time at Earl's Court. The site is due to be bulldozed to make way for what some might term progress. The next time we visit the show, the venue will transfer to Olympia. So long, and thanks for the good times.