
Saturday, 2 May 2009

Old chums

It's the facebook phenomenon.

Out of nowhere, you suddenly have 300 friends. And some of those people you weren't particularly bothered about in the first place. Or worse still, you really didn't like them, for one reason or another. With the upcoming wedding, I am suddenly finding that I have a lot of "friends" who had disappeared into the woodwork a long time ago. Now, they're sprouting up from everywhere.

To be honest, people are bad at keeping in touch. We've all taken longer than we should to reply to a text or return a call. Birthdays and other special events are easily forgotten, and it's so easy to send one less Christmas card each year.

And, in all fairness, some people that I've reconnected with have picked up with me as if it was only yesterday that we were last together. And the wedding is a perfect excuse for me to get back in touch. And I've been in touch with lots of people who are delighted, albeit a bit surprised to have been invited.

There's also those who fall into the category of "wanting an invitation and that's why I'm now in the frame". With that category, to invite or not to invite is a close call. It's about trying to remember why we never stayed in touch, or wondering quite why somebody is being super-pally even though you haven't spoken in five years and they did not send you a Christmas card when you picked the best one from the pack for them.

At the bottom of my heart, I would like to have a wedding of a thousand guests, but at the end of the day, I am inviting those that matter to me, those that I want to see me getting married to the best guy I've ever met. And trust me, those people have to be pretty special to make the cut.

So I've whittled it down to 110 or so, plus or minus a few undecideds and all seems well. I'm really looking forward to the big day - just over three months left to go.

Well that's enough Little Lu sharing for today. I've done pretty well keeping to the twice a week regime at See you a few days...

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